Valid in 2009
Sponsor / operated by: DGN Service GmbH
Subject (Scope): ZDA DGN Deutsches Gesundheitsnetz Service GmbH
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: DATEV eG
Subject (Scope): ZDA DATEV eG unter Nutzung des Moduls "Zertifizierungsdienst (2048) der Deutschen Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust"
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Deutsche Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust
Subject (Scope): ZDA Deutsche Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust unter Nutzung des Moduls "Zertifizierungsdienst (2048) der Deutschen Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust"
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Deutsche Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust
Subject (Scope): Modul "Zertifizierungsdienst (2048) der Deutschen Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust"
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Bundesagentur für Arbeit
Subject (Scope): eArchiv-Service
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Technisches Polizeiamt Sachsen-Anhalt
Subject (Scope): Informationstechnisches Netz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt (ITN-LSA)
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: DATEV eG
Subject (Scope): Zertifizierungsdienste
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: medisgn GmbH
Subject (Scope): ZDA medisgn GmbH
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Swiss Post Solutions GmbH
Subject (Scope): Geschäftsprozess Mail Division
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: WILO SE
Subject (Scope): RZ-Infrastruktur der WILO SE
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: DGN Service GmbH
Subject (Scope): ZDA DGN Deutsches Gesundheitsnetz Service GmbH
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Deutsche Telekom AG
Subject (Scope): Zertifizierungsdienste
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: DATEV eG
Subject (Scope): Betrieb von Rechenzentren: Business Continuity
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Bundesnotarkammer
Subject (Scope): ZDA Bundesnotarkammer unter Nutzung des Zertifizierungsdienstes (2048) der Deutschen Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: DATEV eG
Subject (Scope): ZDA "DATEV eG unter Nutzung des Zertifizierungsdienstes (2048) der Deutschen Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust"
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Deutsche Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust
Subject (Scope): ZDA "Deutsche Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust unter Nutzung des Zertifizierungsdienstes (2048) der Deutschen Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust"
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Deutsche Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust
Subject (Scope): Zertifizierungsdienst (2048) der Deutschen Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.
Sponsor / operated by: Deutsche Post Com GmbH - Geschäftsfeld Signtrust
Subject (Scope): SIGNTRUST BOX
Valid up to (including): Please refer to the respective document for the actual validity date, if applicable.